
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Share us your experience or opinion about games!

Childhood is the best time ever in our life. we learn, play, socialize and unconsciously it builds our recent character as well as our skill. 

we want to ask you to share your bitter sweet memory of your childhood

what is your most favorite or less favorite games and toys? and why you love/hate that games and toys?

we also very happy if you want to give your opinion about today's games and toys compare with our 80s-90s era.

Please please please feel free to add your comment, we appreciate every comment even it's just one word!

Thanks a lot 


80s-90s time machine team

1 comment:

  1. Hi Time machine,

    When I was in elementary school i usually played traditional games with my friends. I love to play hide and seek, congklak, jumping rope, and bola bekel. It was really fun, i think most of my time was spent for playing than studying hehe..
    My favorite games are jumping rope and bola bekel (Indonesian traditional games). I also love to collect tazos (pogs) that i can get from snacks. Yup, the reward if we bought a snack. Me and my sister had a looot of tazos collection we ask our mom to bought us a special boxed to keep them.
    My opinion about today’s games
    It’s really interesting to see kids today playing less traditional games and more engage to electronic games. Well time goes by and we can ignore the changing situation from it. In my opinion it is not about conventional or modern games but value that produced from the games itself, but aims from the created games it self.
    However, it is a pity the modern games seems not giving a lot of positive input to the kids. Lastly, it’s all the responsibility to the parents to provide and guide their children to play a good toys and games.
    that's all


    @putrimputt on twitter
